DCMPMS Seminars

Fundamental to Applied Studies on Molecular Semiconductors

by Dr. Dinesh Kabra (Cavendish Laboratory, Cambridge University, U.K.)

Tuesday, December 27, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( Lecture Theatre (AG66) )
Molecular semiconductors are known to be rich in charge transport physics and spectroscopy. There are many salient features about these materials, like relation between charge transport vs photophysics, exciton dynamics (singlet vs triplet), basic photoinduced charge generations is still not clear, different species like polaron, bipolaron, exciton (bulk exciton, charge transfer exciton), exciplex, defects which are keeping basic researchers occupied since last two decades and still there are unanswered questions. To answer those questions, one needs to think of novel approaches to understand them. I shall like to propose my approach of understanding these issues along with applied research in device perspective as following:

1.	Carryout basic screening of materials using spectroscopy and transport models.
2.	Use of solution processible inorganic semiconductors as charge transporting layers in air stable polymer solar cells, optical sensors and light emitting diodes
3.	Explore the possibilities of nanostructuring 
4.	Alternative transparent electrode which can be solution processible for flexible substrates

I shall like to start with these objectives and over the time I shall expand my research activities in the field of iontronics, bio-electronics and photonics.