School of Mathematics Colloquium

Tree-terated integrals and motives related to the fundamental group

by Prof. Spencer Bloch (University of Chicago, USA)

Thursday, January 19, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-69 )
I will describe how to associate a motive to a graph labeled by
points in an algebraic variety. The periods of this motive will be
generalizations of iterated integrals which in simple cases yield a special
class of Shintani zeta functions. When the variety is an affine curve,
realizations of the motive will have dimension given by the chromatic
polynomial of the graph applied to the cohomology of the curve. When the
graph is simply a string with n points, one gets the motive of the
fundamental group ring modulo the (n+1)st power of the augmentation ideal.