Wednesday Colloquia

LHC Networking and Distributed Science

by Dr. David G. Foster (Durham University, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics, UK)

Tuesday, April 3, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( Lecture Theatre (AG-66) )

There is now considerable experience with data taking for the LHC.  The LHC Computing Grid has grown to accommodate the increasing data volume as well as processing capacity. The collision data taken and analyzed during last 2 years have asserted that the Grid Computing is a reality. This has both validated and challenged some of the assumptions of networking that have been made over the last several years since network implementation started. This talk will examine the network activities and where they are going for the LHC as well as look at new initiatives in the area of distributed computing for science and how they have been influenced by the LHC Computing Grid.


David Foster has both a B.Sc. and Ph.D. awarded by Durham University, Department of Applied Physics and Electronics and an MBA awarded by Durham University Business School. He has spent more than 30 years at CERN and has held many technical and managerial roles. He is currently Deputy IT Department Head at CERN and has particular responsibility for international network strategy as well as infrastructure strategy in the areas of information management. He is a fellow of the institute of physics and a member of the chartered management institute.