Wednesday Colloquia

An Outlook into Some of The Recent Trends in Condensed Matter Physics

by Prof. Tuğrul Hakioğlu (Director, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics (ITAP), Turunç, Marmaris, Turkey)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( Lecture Theatre, AG-66 )

In this talk I plan to give a brief outlook into some of the recent exciting research trends in theoretical and experimental condensed matter physics. The particular emphasis will be on the topological aspects, the role of fundamental symmetries (time reversal, spin, particle exchange etc.) and some of the new perspectives of observing exciting Casimir-like forces in condensed matter systems. The implementation of these concepts in understanding real systems such as superconductors, excitonic Bose-Einstein condensates and topological insulators will be elaborated in a broader and simpler perspective. Some recent works in applying these findings into new generation solid state devices will also be briefly discussed.

The talk is planned to be comprehensible by a broad audience in different fields of natural sciences and does not intend to be a complete overview.