DCMPMS Seminars

Activities in Photonics at the IEEE

by Dr. Richard Linke (Executive Director of the IEEE Photonics Society)

Thursday, December 13, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( D - 405 )
Dr. Linke, Executive Director of the IEEE Photonics Society, will discuss current as well as planned activities supported by the IEEE Photonics Society (formerly LEOS). He will review the state of the international conferences and technical publications of the Society and will discuss recent trends in photonics and additions to the Society’s portfolio such as the Conference on Optical Interconnects and the IEEE’s first fully open-access, online-only technical publication, the IEEE Photonics Journal. Linke will also discuss the relationship between the Photonics Society and its parent IEEE as well as the Society’s global membership and chapter initiatives.

About Speaker

Richard A. Linke is currently the Executive Director of the IEEE Photonics Society (formerly the Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, LEOS) where he is responsible for the publications, conferences, and financial operations of the Society.Dr. Linke’s professional background includes research in X-ray as well as radio astronomy, nano-plasmonics, and broadband direct, as well as coherent, optical detection systems for communications networks. Dr. Linke received the BA, MA and Ph.D. degrees in Physics from Columbia University.
Prior to taking his present position with the IEEE-Photonics Society, Dr. Linke served as Science Advisor for the Optical Society of America. In this position Linke was responsible for identifying new scientific directions for conferences and publications and for advising the staff on matters of science and technology.
Dr. Linke has held the position of Senior Research Scientist at the NEC Research Institute, Princeton, NJ where he co-directed a Technology Group involved with the science and applications of surface plasmon resonances. Prior to this, Dr. Linkeheaded a research department at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the exploration of optical communications networks. His group reported advances in coherent optical high-capacity communications networks in areas such as optical frequency division multiplexing, laser stabilization, and polarization as well as phase diversity detection. 
Dr. Linke is a Fellow of both the OSA and the IEEE and has served as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Optical Networking. He has been an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer and a co-chair of both the Optical Fiber Communications conference (OFC) and the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO). He holds 11 patents and has published over one hundred technical papers.