Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

Redshift-drift as a discriminator between different cosmological models

by Ms. Priti Mishra (DAA - TIFR)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( DAA A269 )
TIFR Campus
Exact solutions of Einstein equations have been used in the literature to construct inhomogeneous models of the universe. These inhomogeneous models are able to explain the cosmological data without any need for a dark energy component. Few tests have been proposed to discriminate between these models. One such test is the redshift-drift test.  In this talk, I will present the calculation of the redshift-drift in one particular axially symmetric quasi-spherical Szekeres model and will compare the results to the LambdaCDM model and some LTB models that can be found in the literature. I will also talk about how to constrain the axially symmetric quasi-spherical Szekeres models. I will also present the status of the ongoing work in the direction of calculating the redshift-drift in quasi-spherical Szekeres models which do not have axial symmetry.