DCMPMS Seminars

Eliminating hysteresis in superconducting weak links and micron size SQUIDs.

by Dr. Anjan Kumar Gupta (Physics Department, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur)

Thursday, August 22, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG80 )
Micron-size superconducting quantum interference devices (micro-SQUIDs), with superconducting weak links replacing the Josephson junctions, have been found useful for measuring the properties of isolated magnetic nano-structures or local magnetization on a sample surface. However, thermal hysteresis in such weak-links is an obstacle for improving micro-SQUID performance for magnetometry. In this talk I shall discuss a thermal model describing the hysteretic behavior in several experimentally studied Nb based weak links and Micro-SQUIDs in our lab. An interesting outcome of both the model and experiments is a cross-over temperature above which the hysteresis disappears. However, one gets a very narrow temperature range of hysteresis-free operation. Another method that we have investigated to eliminate hysteresis is the use of parallel shunt resistor. With this idea we have been able to get a wide temperature range of hysteresis free operation. In addition, we get a very good flux sensitivity in these non-hysteretic micro-SQUIDs.