CMSP Journal Club

RMT for spin conductance

by Prof. Kedar Damle (TIFR)

Thursday, September 26, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A304 )
**Outline random matrix theory notions for conductance without proof.

**Describe without algebra what can be done in this case and in several related cases (analytical results for large channel-number asymptotics).

**Describe the formulation of the spin conductance in this language, and how we are stuck when it comes to calculating large-channel number asymptotics. Ask audience to think of possible alternate strategies.

**Outline the only success we have had, which is Vikram's method of using L'hospital rule type manipulations to get very answers for several finite N.

**Describe some made-up quantities for which we can do the calculation and ask the audience if they know of contexts in which such made-up quantities are the natural objects.