Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

Outflows from Young Stellar Objects : MHD, Radiation and Chemistry.

by Dr. Bhargav Vaidya (University of Leeds, UK)

Monday, January 13, 2014 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( DAA A-269 )
A bipolar, violent, collimated outlow is one of the first signpost of star formation. High velocity molecular outlows are extensively studied for both low mass and high mass stars using standard sub-mm outlow and shocks tracers like CO and SiO respectively. Observational surveys have proposed that the molecular outlows from high mass stars are very similar to their low mass counterparts only differing by scales and they become wider as the star grows in luminosity (thus mass) with time. In addition to such dynamical evolution, outlows from young stellar objects show rich chemical features as it propagates through the molecular cloud.
I will present results from our MHD simulations of jet launching and propagation into a molecular cloud using the PLUTO code. Our detailed analysis of outflow acceleration and collimation in presence of radiative forces from the luminous star and the inner hot accretion disk provides a physical picture to the evolution seen in case of outflows from high mass stars. On extending our
models for the case of Orion Source I, we provide a consistent picture for the wide-angle flow probed by SiO masers in this massive outflow. Our recent models of jet propagation in conjunction with molecular cooling along with chemistry allows us to track the formation and destruction of various species along with the flow dynamics. On combining such a chemical state of the outflow a non-LTE radiative transfer code, we can very well reproduce the observed SiO spectra and PV diagrams of young outflows from Class 0 sources and make predictions for future ALMA observations.