ASET Colloquium

Belle II computing/software

by Prof. Takanori Hara (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK), Japan)

Friday, February 21, 2014 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
Toward the Belle II experiment, the next-generation B factory at KEK in Japan, we have developed a new software framework called "basf2". It has a software bus architecture and a parallel-processing feature. Further it is broadly applicable to the raw data processing, Monte Carlo (MC) production, user analysis, and even to the DAQ software. Belle II has employed a distributed computing system based on DIRAC and AMGA (metadata catalogue) to manage the data, whose volumes are comparable to or higher than the ones of LHC experiments. We have also developed a wrapper script "gbasf2" so that users can run the same steering file on both local and GRID environment. This year, two MC production campaigns are performed to test the feasibility and find out the possible bottlenecks of our computing and software. This colloquium describes the highlights of the Belle II software/computing and the current status. We will also present the experience of the latest MC production campaign.

About Prof. Takanori Hara:

Prof.Hara did his MA and Ph.D. in Physic from Osaka University, Japan. He was a JSPS fellow during 1993–1995. He is a member of Physics Society of Japan and Japan Association of High Energy Physicists.

Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette