Wednesday Colloquia

Seismology of Convection and Magnetism in the Solar Interior

by Dr. Shravan Hanasoge (Department of Astronomy & Astrophysics, TIFR)

Wednesday, August 20, 2014 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba, Mumbai ( AG-66 )
The Sun modulates Earth climate, affects space instrumentation and displays a range of remarkable physical phenomena such as sunspots, turbulent convection, large-scale circulations etc. Current high-resolution space-based observations of the Sun and recent theoretical developments have rendered the 3-D imaging of the solar interior plausible. 

Contemporary seismology is focused on the study of convection and magnetism in the Sun, with the potential to elucidate the mechanism of solar magnetism. I will discuss the goals, methodology, observations and inferences associated with modern helioseismology.