Wednesday Colloquia

Radio afterglows of Gamma Ray Bursts

by Dr. Poonam Chandra (National Centre for Radio Astrophysics, Pune)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus
Radio observations of Gamma Ray Burst (GRB) afterglows are excellent means to probe the GRB environments and constrain their density nature. Late time radio observations of the GRB afterglow, when it has made transition to non relativistic phase, can provide most accurate energy estimate independent of the geometry effects. Radio emission also allows us to see important transitions in the afterglow physics, such as synchrotron peak frequency, the cooling break, the trans-relativistic expansion etc., which in turn provide key diagnostics to the fundamental parameters of the explosion. Here I will present a statistical analysis of radio afterglows of GRBs and derive important conclusions and predictions about their properties and detectability. We also have evidence that reverse shocks are seen 6 times more abundant in radio bands than optical bands and this has important implication on GRB interior.
Organised by Roop Mallik, Wednesday Colloquium Co-ordinator