String Theory Seminars

Entropy current and Eightfold way

by Dr. R. Loganayagam (IAS, Princeton)

Thursday, February 5, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at A304
Hydrodynamics is the low-energy effective field theory of any interacting quantum theory, capturing the long-wavelength fluctuations of an equilibrium Gibbs density matrix. Conventionally, one views the effective dynamics in terms of the conserved currents, which should be expressed via the constitutive relations in terms of the fluid velocity and the intensive parameters such as the temperature, chemical potential, etc.. However, not all constitutive relations are acceptable; one has to ensure that the second law of thermodynamics is satisfied on all physical configurations. 

In this talk,  I will describe the structure this second law constraint imposes at any  order in the gradient expansion. The key new ingredient we introduce is the notion of adiabaticity, which allows us to take hydrodynamics off-shell. Adiabatic fluids are such that off-shell dynamics of the fluid compensates for entropy production. The space of adiabatic fluids is quite rich, and admits a decomposition into seven distinct classes. Together with the dissipative class this establishes the eightfold way of hydrodynamic transport.