Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

The No-hair theorem of black holes and the binary black hole system OJ287

by Prof. Mauri Valtonen (University of Turku, Finland)

Thursday, January 21, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
OJ287 is a quasar which has shown outbursts every 12 yr for the past one hundred years.
This behaviour was discovered in 1982, In 1995 a binary black hole model was developed
which predicted the future optical light curve. OJ287 has now followed this light curve very
closely for 15 years, thus confirming the main features of the model. In the last couple of years
the model has also been used to test the predictions of General Relativity
in the Post Newtonian approximation. The current state of these tests are described,and future tests are proposed. In particular, the first test of the no-hair theorem of black holes has now been confirmed, Its accuracy could be improved in 2019 to about 20% level.
Organised by Prof. J.S. Yadav