DCMPMS Seminars

Bulk and NMR studies in V-based geometrically frustrated oxide magnetic systems

by Dr. Tanmoy Chakrabarty (Short-Term Visiting Fellow, DCMP&MS, T.I.F.R., Mumbai)

Thursday, May 14, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG80
Frustration is present in a huge range of areas in nature which maintains its beauty and novelty in behavior whether it has been real life or abstract objects. In solid compounds if the non-fulfillment of minimization of energy occurs then it yields frustration. If it is due to geometry of the magnetic ions involved then it is called "geometric frustration". Due to this, no unique ground state forms in these systems and the system shows many novel behavior (spin, liquid, spin glass, spin ice, compromised spin configurations etc.). In my PhD work, I have studied three vanadium-based compounds where magnetic frustration plays an integral part in them. The first one (BaV3O8) is moderately frustrated and it is a weakly coupled-chain system. Second one is highly frustrated(Li2ZnV3O8) and shows some freezing and the last one (Zn3V3O8) is the most frustrated among these three and goes in the SG state (cluster-glass) which is one of the well-known outcomes of magnetic frustration. I have studied these systems both from macroscopic (bulk measurements) and microscopic (local probe measurements - NMR) point of view and discuss briefly in my talk.