String Theory Seminars

Analytic results from conformal bootstrap at large spin

by Mr. Apratim Kaviraj (Indian Institute of Science, Banglore)

Friday, August 7, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at A304
We use analytic conformal bootstrap methods to determine the anomalous
dimension s and OPE coefficients for large spin operators in general
conformal field theor ies containing a scalar operator . It is known
that such theories will contain a n infinite sequence of large spin
operators. By considering the case where such operators are separated
by a twist gap from other operators at large spin, we an alytically
determine the anomalous dimensions at large spin.  To do this we extr
act an approximate expression for the conformal blocks in any
dimension. We find that the anomalous dimensions are negative if the
twists satisfy unitarity bou nd, thus extending the Nachtmann theorem
to non-zero n. In the large twist limit we find that the anomalous
dimension becomes universal, with our result in perf ect agreement
with results from two different holographic calculations.