Theoretical Physics Colloquium

Wave-packet Formalism of Full Counting Statistics

by Prof. Gianni Blatter (ETH-Zurich, Switzerland)

Thursday, January 28, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
Traditionally, (charge) transport phenomena describe the average current flow in response to a constant applied driving force. Additional information is provided by current-current correlations or noise, telling about the granularity, the statistical properties, and the interactions between the particles. The complete characterization of transport is given by the full counting statistics, quantifying the probability that n particles pass the device during a time window t. The desire for a complete characterization of transport in a mesoscopic device goes together with the development of new single particle sources and the availability of quantum bits as measurement devices. I will describe how to combine these three elements, full counting statistics, single particle sources, and qubit measurement devices and how these concepts relate to the description of charge transport of noninteracting electrons in a mesoscopic device.
Organised by Dr. Vikram Tripathi