DCMPMS Seminars

Ultracold atoms in Synthetic Gauge field placed in an optical cavity

by Dr. Sankalpa Ghosh (Associate Professor, Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi)

Friday, October 9, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at P305
In cavity optomechanics, typically the vibrational modes of a mechanical oscillator is coupled with the modes of an optical cavity. The field went through tremendous development in theory, experimentation as well as applications in recent years. After a brief theoretical introduction to this field in this talk we shall discuss the interesting physics that is promised when ultra cold atomic systems are placed inside such optical cavity and how such phenomena extends the realm of cavity optomechanics in a novel way.  With these developments in background then we shall discuss  the situation when  such "ultra cold atoms in synthetic gauge field" ( an exciting sub-branch of ultra cold atoms where light induced interaction acts like pseudo-magnetic field or even non-abelian gauge field for charge neutral cold atoms) are placed inside an optical cavity. The talk will be based primarily on the following two papers and the pedagogical review "Synthetic Gauge Fields for Ultra Cold Atoms: A Primer (by S. Ghosh and Rashi Sacdeva) : Journal of IISC, arxiv: 1407.1230.
1. Bikash Padhi and Sankalpa Ghosh, Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol 111, 043603 (2013)
2. Bikash Padhi and Sankalpa Ghosh, Phys. Rev. A, Vol. 90, 023627 (2014).