Theoretical Physics Colloquium

Particle Physics from a Warped Extra Dimension

by Kaustubh Agashe (University of Maryland)

Tuesday, January 5, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-69
In the Standard Model of particle physics, a condensate of the Higgs boson determines the range of the weak nuclear force.However, one finds that quantum corrections generically shift this range to a much smaller value than observed. I will describe how the idea of a warped higher dimensional spacetime can solve this "hierarchy problem''. I will show that the same set-up also naturally explains the basic structure of quarks and leptons via their profiles in the extra dimension. In this model, the idea of grand unification of the fundamental forces works very well and also naturally leads to an exotic particle that may be the dark matter of the universe. Thus, this framework may solve several of the fundamental puzzles of nature. Throughout, I will focus on how we will test this idea in a wide variety of experiments, ranging from the energy frontier (such as at the LHC) to the intensity frontier (such as precision tests of the structure of quarks and leptons), as well as the cosmic frontier (such as dark matter detection).