Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

Aspects of the Milky Way

by Mr. Jeronimo Voss (Frankfurt am Main, Germany)

Friday, January 15, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at TIFR ( A269 )
In 1920 Dutch astronomer Anton Pannekoek finalized his research on the northern Milky Way. He stated that the visual (naked eye) observation of the night sky can not be replaced by photographic pictures as both kinds of images show very different aspects of the Milky Way. Visual artist Jeronimo Voss will present Pannekoek's Milky Way research as well as his own thoughts on visual representation and invites to a trans-disciplinary discussion. Jeronimo Voss' installations where shown in various international solo and group exhibitions. In January 2016 he contributes to the project "Liberty Taken" organized by Clark House Initiative in Mumbai.