Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

Gravitational radiation captures of two black holes

by Prof. Gungwon Kang (KISTI, South Korea)

Monday, February 1, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
We have investigated gravitational radiation capturing processes of
two black holes in weakly
hyperbolic orbits (e.g., eccentricities of 1.0 ~ 1.4) by solving
Einstein equations numerically.
In the presence of a supermassive black hole in galactic nuclei, fully
general relativistic understandings
of such dynamical capturing processes become important to the
formation of black hole binaries. We find that most
of gravitational wave emissions occur when two black holes encounter
closely. This explains why the multipole contributions
higher than l=2 are negligible (e.g., about 1%) even if the orbit is
quite eccentric or
non-quasi-circular. The capturing cross section has been compared with
the corresponding 2.5 post Newtonian results.
They agree well for small initial energies, but differ up to about 40%
for large initial energies.
We also analyzed the features of energy and angular momentum
radiations and gravitational wave forms for various masses and spin