Wednesday Colloquia

Interface-assisted molecular spintronics

by Dr. Karthik Raman (TIFR, Hyderabad)

Wednesday, March 9, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at TIFR, Colaba, Mumbai ( AG - 66 (Lecture Theatre) )
Molecular spintronics deals with the study of utilising the internal spin degree of metal-organic frameworks, at low temperatures, to develop next generation of nanoscale devices. However, research effort in the last few years has shown the possibility to develop induced spin-systems by tailoring the interface chemistry between a transition metal surface and an otherwise diamagnetic or paramagnetic molecule. Reports of induced magnetism in molecule or transition metal surface, magneto-resistance signals, large magnetic anisotropy and magnetic exchange coupling across the interface have emerged, with the effects lasting up to room temperature. These findings open up a molecular-genome initiative to develop spin-functional tailor-made devices by engineering the interface spin-response. 

1] Materials chemistry: A magnetic facelift for non-magnetic metals, KV Raman, JS Moodera, Nature 524, 42 (2015) 
2] Interface-assisted molecular spintronics, KV Raman, Applied Physics Reviews 1, 031101 (2014)
Organised by Sushil Mujumdar, Wednesday Colloquium Coordinator