String Theory Seminars

Describing Codimension two defects of Theory X (Special String Theory and Mathematical Physics Seminar)

by Aswin Balasubramanian (DESY - Hamburg)

Thursday, March 31, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at A 304
A class of codimension two defects operators of the six dimensional (0,2) SCFT X[j] (j is semi-simple lie algebra of type A,D,E) play an important role in the construction of several SCFTs in four and three dimensions. In four dimensions, these are the theories that have come to be known as “Class S” theories. They are labelled by a choice of a punctured Riemann surface and the collection of codimension two defects inserted at punctures on the Riemann surface. I will describe properties of a single codimension two defect both without and with mass deformation. In the course of the talk, I will also define the notion of a “Rigid” 3d N=4 SCFT and describe some novel consequences that follow from the existence of these SCFTs.