String Theory Seminars

Higher Point Conformal Blocks and Entanglement Entropy in Heavy States

by Ritam Sinha

Thursday, April 28, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at DTP Seminar Room ( A 304 )
We consider conformal blocks of two heavy operators and an arbitrary number
of light operators in a (1+1)-d CFT with large central charge. Using the
monodromy method, these higher-point conformal blocks are shown to factorize
into products of 4-point conformal blocks in the heavy-light limit for a
class of OPE channels. This result is reproduced by considering suitable
worldline configurations in the bulk conical defect geometry. We apply the
CFT results to calculate the entanglement entropy of an arbitrary number of
disjoint intervals for heavy states. The corresponding holographic
entanglement entropy calculated via the minimal area prescription precisely
matches these results from CFT. Along the way, we briefly illustrate the
relation of these conformal blocks to Riemann surfaces and their associated
moduli space.