ASET Colloquium

Femtosecond pulse propagation in water: new opportunities at longer wavelengths

by Dr. Aditya Dharmadhikari (DNAP, TIFR)

Friday, January 6, 2017 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-66
Description Femtosecond pulse propagation in a medium gives rise to spectacular nonlinear optical effects, the incident spectrally narrow ultrashort laser pulses are converted into a rainbow of light known as supercontinuum. Supercontinuum is generally observed in a transparent medium and is not yet fully explored for an absorbing medium. Another manifestation of femtosecond pulse propagation is spatio-temporal localization of optical energy resulting in bright light streaks known as filaments. The intensity reached inside a filament in water is ~1 TW cm-2, producing radicals and free electrons.

In this talk, I will discuss how the limitation imposed due to absorption bands of water can be overcome so as to observe supercontinuum using femtosecond pulses in the wavelength range 1400-1600 nm. Further, I will discuss how such intense femtosecond pulses (wavelength range 800-2200 nm) lead to lethal effects causing “nicks” or breaks in aqueous DNA that can be optically controlled.
Organised by Dr. Satyananarayana Bheesette
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