Free Meson Seminars

QCD Flux-tubes in Four Dimensions and Strings in Five Dimensions

by Dr. Vikram Vyas (St. Stephen's College, Delhi University)

Thursday, April 22, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A-304 )
The effects of finite intrinsic thickness of QCD flux-tubes are explored using gauge/gravity duality under the assumptions that the position of the string in the fifth dimension is related to the intrinsic thickness of the QCD flux-tube, and the action of the five-dimensional fundamental string is the Nambu-Goto action. Under these assumptions the static quark-antiquark potential is calculated in the large d approximation, where d is the number of transverse direction in the flat space where the gauge theory lives. The potential is found to be given by Arvis's formula corrected by an exponentially suppressed term, which can be thought of as arising from the fluctuations of the intrinsic thickness of the QCD flux-tube. This result suggests that when the effects of intrinsic thickness can be ignored, then the four-dimensional effective string theory is just the Nambu-Goto string with no additional marginal or irrelevant terms.
Organised by Dr. Nilmani Mathur