ASET Colloquium

Computing and Internet Resources for INO at TIFR

by Mr. P. Nagaraj (DHEP, TIFR)

Friday, July 23, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
The INO is a large and growing India based collaboration with center of activity at TIFR. The collaborators are scattered over different organizations across India. Similarly work on different fronts is going on at different places. Coordinating the work and keeping in touch is vital for the INO in its growing stages. Another prominent aspect of the INO is its outreach to the Indian industry and Indian academia. To facilitate all this we have at TIFR a new web portal for INO, besides a set of internet based tools to help the collaboration. 

INO at TIFR is a beehive of activity. Various batches of INO students at different academic levels are currently working here at TIFR. R&D, students' work and physics simulation  require a stable and sufficiently strong system of desktops, servers, workstations, data storage, software repositories and network services. Also, our work at TIFR is spread across rooms and blocks. We have provided for all this by building a network of systems, building upon the stable TIFR CC network. 

In this talk, I explain the computing systems and services deployed at TIFR for the INO collaboration.
Organised by Satyanarayana Bheesette