Wednesday Colloquia

Composite fermions @ 21

by Prof. Jainendra K. Jain (Erwin W. Mueller Professor of Physics, Penn State University)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
“The fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) is a topological quantum state of matter that has no small parameter, no spontaneously broken symmetry, and no order parameter.  Nonetheless, a remarkably detailed and accurate understanding of its nonperturbative physics has been achieved in terms of a new class of exotic particles called composite fermions.  I will begin with a brief review of the composite fermion theory and its successes. The remainder of the talk will focus on several recent developments, which include: pairing of composite fermions and the emergence of majorana composite fermions, FQHE for purely three body interactions, and novel high energy excitons in the FQHE.”
Organised by Nitin Chaudhari