High Energy Physics Journal Club

Report on: Charge Fluctuations from the Chiral Magnetic Effect in Nuclear Collisions

by Saumen Datta (TIFR)

Friday, September 17, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A-304 )
Charge Fluctuations from the Chiral Magnetic Effect in Nuclear Collisions
Authors: Berndt Müller, Andreas Schäfer

Abstract: We derive a nonlocal effective Lagrangian for the chiral magnetic effect. An electric field is generated by winding number fluctuations of the nonabelian gauge field in the presence of a strong magnetic field. We estimate the magnitude of charge asymmetry fluctuations with respect to the reaction plane induced by the chiral magnetic effect in relativistic heavy ion collisions. We find that they are below $10^{-4}$, substantially smaller than the signal observed in the STAR experiment. 