DCMPMS Seminars

Goos-Hanchen shift for higher order Hermite-Gaussian beams.

by Prof. S. Dutta Gupta (Central University, Hyderabad)

Thursday, September 9, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-80 )
We study the reflection of a Gaussian-Hermite beam at an interface between two dielectric media. We show that unlike Gauss-Laguerre beams, Gauss-Hermite beams undergo no significant distortion upon reflection. We report GoosHanchen shift for all the spots of a higher order Gauss-Hermite beam near the critical angle. The shift is shown to be 
insignificant away from the critical angle. The calculations are carried out neglecting the longitudinal component along the direction of propagation for a spatially finite, s-polarized, full 3-d vector beam. We briefly discuss the difficulties associated with the paraxial 
approximation pertaining to a vector gaussian beam.
Organised by Akhtar Saleem