High Energy Physics Seminars

Phase-II Pixel Upgrade for the CMS experiment

by Dr. Shubhi Parolia (INFN Pisa, Italy)

Monday, March 7, 2022 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at TIFR ( AG-66 )
The LHC is undergoing an upgrade process to accomplish its transition to the high-luminosity phase (HL-LHC), foreseen from 2026, and the CMS experiment is thus having major upgrades to withstand the high radiation flux. The Pisa-CMS group is involved in the upgrade of inner pixel tracker of this experiment, which is located closest to the interaction point and thus susceptible to the highest amount of radiation. Since, the present tracker will be completely replaced with a new and high radiation-resistant subdetector, new designs and materials are being studied for the same. Studies of planar and three-dimensional silicon pixels of varying dimensions for the innermost part of the detector are also under investigation. Modules are being irradiated at high fluences, and beam test studies are being done before and after irradiation to study the performance in realistic condition.