Biological Sciences Seminars

Can metabolic plasticity be the cause for cancer? Warburg-Waddington legacy revisited

by Prof. Paike J. Bhat (School of Biosciences & Bioengineering Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai)

Friday, October 15, 2010 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( B-333 )
 As early as 1926, Warburg suggested that cancer is due to the impairment of mitochondrial function and this phenomenon is commonly referred to as Warburg Effect. That is, in cancer cells, glucose is also metabolized   to lactate in addition to its oxidation rough mitochondrial oxidation. But this idea was not accepted by the scientific community. Instead,   it has been argued that origin of cancer is due to genetic/epigenetic alterations. Recent observations have  shown that cancer cells exhibit aerobic glycolysis (Warburg Effect). This is a universal phenotype of cancer cells. More recently, enzymes of TCA cycle have shown to be tumor suppressors. Moreover, in the recent past, non-genetic basis of cancer has also been articulated.  This is based on the concept of [WINDOWS-1252?] ‘Epigenetic [WINDOWS-1252?]Landscape’,  originally proposed by Waddington. While going through the literature on Cancer,  I seem to have stumbled upon a new thought, which I would like to share with you. In this talk, I am going  to revisit the ideas proposed  by Warburg and Waddington in the light of the recent observations. I would like this seminar to be informal and hope to get some valuable feed back and suggestions.
Organised by Suhasini Sapre