ASET Colloquium

Indigenous Robotic Instruments and Machine Vision in Biomedical and Scientific Research

by Dr. Ratnesh Sengar (DRHR, BARC, Mumbai)

Friday, August 2, 2019 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG-66
Molecular Biology research involves studies on the structure and functions of nucleic acids and proteins, their biosynthesis and mutual interactions in the health care sector. The robotic tools and imaging techniques used here are also used for diagnosis of genetic and other diseases, therapeutic applications and development of new pharmaceuticals. Researchers require technologies/ devices for 1) accurate, reliable and reproducible results, 2) cost-effectiveness, 3) high throughput, and 4) operational simplicity.

This talk covers some of our indigenous efforts towards the development of state-of-the-art instruments and techniques addressing those challenges. The development of these competitive technologies is important for biomedical and scientific research which will drive increased research productivity in India at an affordable cost.

About the Speaker:
Dr. Ratnesh Singh Sengar did his B.Tech in Electrical Engineering with honours from Hartcourt Butler Technological Institute (HBTI), Kanpur and PhD in Engineering Sciences from HBNI, Mumbai. He joined Division of Remote Handling & Robotics (DRHR), BARC in 2000. His major activities are prominently related to image-based automation for biomedical and scientific instruments. He is associated with the indigenous development of microarrayer System for making DNA microarrays, spot picker robot for proteomics, biochip reader for early diagnosis of diseases, protein crystal imaging system for monitor of protein crystal growth and automation in a beamline for high energy physics applications. His research & development interests include robotics control & automation, biomedical & scientific instruments, biomedical imaging, wavelets and machine vision. He was the recipient of Department of Atomic Energy, Young Engineer Award in 2007 and Technical Excellence Award in 2011 for indigenous development of Biomedical Robotics Instruments.
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Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette
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