22-23 April 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone
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Exploring the di-neutron transfer reactions and their effect on barrier distributions using 16,18O off a 159Tb target

Presented by Dr. Dipika PATEL on 22 Apr 2024 from 3:00 PM to 3:15 PM

PI info

Dr. Dipika Patel ( Mr. Chirag Bhuptani)

local collaborator info

Dr. Y.K. Gupta and his group

Collaborators Name

Dr. B.K. Nayak


We have recently conducted measurements on quasi-elastic scattering using 16,18O projectiles directed at 90Zr nuclei at energies near the Coulomb barrier. Our findings reveal notable discrepancies between the data obtained for 18O and 16O, suggesting a distinct involvement of di-neutron transfer in the fusion process of 18O with 90Zr. Specifically, the fusion barrier distribution for 18O+90Zr exhibits a skew towards lower barrier heights, contrasting sharply with the nearly Gaussian distribution observed in the case of 16O+90Zr reactions. This discrepancy implies that 16O behaves like an inert nucleus during fusion processes.

Beam time requirement in shifts




Beam Energy


Beam Current


Beam Port

Cascade Hall 0D

Buncher Required


Target / Sample Details


Whether the experiment is part of PhD work ?


Name of the PhD student and year of registration

Mr. Chirag Bhuptani

Whether the experiment is part of Post-Doc work ?


information on the past beamtime at PLF

5 days beam time was availed for measuring elastic and alpha particles using 9Be beam.

Publication information related to prior work at the PLF

Results Presented in the DAE symposium on Nuclear Physics.


Location: TIFR
Room: AG66

Primary authors
