22-23 April 2024
Asia/Kolkata timezone
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Corrosion monitoring of borosilicate glasses using TLA method

Presented by Dr. Jayashree BISWAL on 23 Apr 2024 from 9:45 AM to 10:00 AM

PI info

Dr. Jayashree Biswal, IRAD, BARC

local collaborator info

Shri S. C. Sharma, NPD, BARC; Dr. A. K. Gupta NPD, BARC

Collaborators Name

Dr. Jayashree Biswal, IRAD, BARC; Shri V. K. Sharma, IRAD, BARC; Dr. H. J. pant, IRAD, BARC


Thin layer activation analysis (TLA) technique using a high energy ion beam is a nuclear technique for measurement of surface loss of materials in the micrometer range. It has been widely used to measure wear, corrosion or erosion in automobile industry, power plants, process industry, oil and petroleum refineries and in many high technology areas. In the proposed study the application of TLA method for corrosion monitoring of glass will be explored.

Beam time requirement in shifts




Beam Energy

13 MeV

Beam Current

200 nA

Beam Port


Buncher Required


Target / Sample Details

Glass sheets (15 mmx15mmx3 mm)

Whether the experiment is part of PhD work ?


Whether the experiment is part of Post-Doc work ?


information on the past beamtime at PLF

July 2022, 1H, 6M port

Publication information related to prior work at the PLF

1)Jayashree Biswal, H.J. Pant, V. K. Sharma, S. C. Sharma, A. K. Gupta, Evaluation of inhibition effect of poly vinyl pyrrolidone on corrosion of bronze in simulated acid rain using thin layer activation technique, Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res B, 2021, 503, 30–36. 2)Jayashree Biswal, H. J. Panta, V. K. Sharma, S. C. Sharma, A. K. Gupta, Evaluation of green inhibitors for corrosion control of bronze by using thin layer activation method, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B, 2024 (Communicated).


Room: Online

Primary authors
