Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Tuesday 02 March 2010  >  >>
11:30 New Results from a Recently Refurbished Hubble Space Telescope (Prof. John Stocke) (Colaba Campus: D-405)
11:30 Hypoelliptic Laplacian and orbital integrals (Prof. Jean-Michel, Bismut) (Colaba Campus: AG-66)
14:30 The splitting principle, representations of GL_n and cohomology of flag varieties (Prof. Riou, Joel) (Colaba Campus: AG-77)
16:00 Feedback from Supernovae: Tous pour un, un pour tous (Mr. Sayan Chakraborti) (Colaba Campus: AG-66)
16:00 Scanning tunneling spectroscopic studies of low-dimensional electronic systems. (Dr. Bose, Sangita) (Colaba Campus: AG-80)
17:00 Zeta-functions and Weil-etale cohomology of number rings (Prof. Lichtenbaum, Stephen) (Colaba Campus: AG-66)