Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<  Monday 24 May 2021  –  Sunday 30 May 2021  >
Mon 24/05 Tue 25/05 Wed 26/05 Thu 27/05 Fri 28/05
17:00 Bezout’s Theorem for plane curves. (Dr. Omprokash Das) (: over zoom)
16:00 Ergodicity breaking in quantum many-body systems (Dr. Roy, Sthitadhi) (: Zoom)
16:00 The Circuits of Sensation: How We Perceive the World (Prof. Tole, Shubha) (Online through ZOOM Webinar: Zoom link:
11:30 (QCD Journal Club) (: A 304)
16:00 The Fock-space landscape across the many-body localisation transition (Dr. Roy, Sthitadhi) (: Zoom)
11:30 Constraining Sommerfeld-Enhancement via Inflationary Perturbations & CMB: Dark Matter & Neutrino Interactions (Dr. Ghoshal, Anish) (: Zoom)
The Economics of Cloud-based Computing, and High-Performance Computing and Quantum Computing on Microsoft Azure (Mr. Jhunjhunwala, Pradeep; Dr. Gujrathi, Mandar; Ms. Verma, Shalaka) (Online:
17:00 Quadratic forms and their invariants (Dr. Anand Sawant) (: Over zoom)