Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<<  <  Thursday 08 November 2012  >  >>
14:30 MSSM + Yukawa Unification = Mini-Split SUSY (Dr. Patel, Ketan) (Colaba Campus: AG69)
14:30 Practical Applications of Mutual Information: Phylogenetic Trees, Independent Component Analysis, and Network Inferences (Prof. Grassberger, Peter) (Colaba Campus: A304)
16:00 An analogue of Raynaud's theory in rigid analytic and formal geometry (Dr. Muralidharan, Amrita) (Colaba Campus: AG-69)
16:00 Studies on Ni-Mn-Ga ferromagnetic shape memory alloys (Mr. Singh, Sanjay) (Colaba Campus: AG66)