Seminars and Colloquia  (events overview)

<  Monday 08 April 2019  –  Sunday 14 April 2019  >
Mon 08/04 Tue 09/04 Wed 10/04 Thu 11/04 Fri 12/04
11:30 Nuclear Structure Studies using Triaxial Projected Shell Model approach (Dr. Jehangir Sheikh) (TIFR, Mumbai: P - 305)
11:30 The simplest problem in conformal bootstrap (Quantum Spacetime Seminar Series) (Prof. Sinha, Aninda) (: A 304)
16:00 Understanding the mechanism of binding between proteins in CDK1/cyclin-B/CKS-2 complex (Mr. Krishna Kant Vishwakarma) (: AG-69)
13:00 Neutrino masses in cosmology (Cosmology Journal Club series) (Mr. Roychoudhury, Shouvik) (: A304)
14:30 Online Electrochemical Mass Spectrometry as A Tool to De-Convolute Catalysis, Instability and Efficacy of Protection Strategies (Dr. Dr. Rosy Sharma) (: AG-69)
16:00 The Frontiers of Machine Learning (Sarawagi, Sunita) (: A-201 (STCS Seminar Room))
16:00 Fermi surface in bulk SmB6 from electronic structure calculations (Dr. Sakhya, Anup Pradhan) (: AG80)
16:00 Exploring new aspects of spinning nuclei: from INGA to Gamma Tracking Array (Prof. Palit, Rudrajyoti) (Lecture Theatre: AG-66)
11:30 (QCD Journal Club) (Participants/Discussions) (: A 304)
16:00 Pulsar Timing Residuals due to Black Hole Binaries in Relativistic eccentric orbits (Mr. Abhimanyu S.) (DAA SEMINAR: A269)
16:00 Anisotropic metamaterials for increased coupling to the near-field of small emitters (Prof. Ramakrishna, S. Anantha) (: AG66)
16:00 Elucidating Folding-Unfolding Pathways of Ubiquitin Family Proteins (Mr. Tathagata Nandi) (: AG-80)
16:00 On the local geometry of the Torelli locus (Prof. Gian Pietro Pirola) (: AG-69)
16:30 Independence Results in Propositional Proof Complexity (Santhanam, Rahul) (: A-201 (STCS Seminar Room))
10:30 Residual Flavor Symmetries in the ν μ - ν τ Sector (Prof. Roy, Probir) (: A304)
14:30 Holographic subregion complexity of a 1+1 dimensional p-wave superconductor (Dr. Mitsutoshi, Fujita) (: D 406)
14:30 A new GC Binder for Sequence-selective DNA Recognition (Mr. Shubhankar Gadre) (: AG-69)
Physics and the city of Mumbai (Prof. Singh, Vijay) (: AG-66)