DCMPMS Seminars  (events overview)

<  Monday 02 October 2017  –  Sunday 08 October 2017  >
Mon 02/10 Tue 03/10 Wed 04/10 Thu 05/10 Fri 06/10
14:30 First principles investigation on Quantum Materials (Dr. Mandal, Subhasish) (: AG80)
16:00 Optics in Material Science: From Ultra-Fast timescales to Ultra-High Pressures (Prof. Sengupta, Amartya) (: AG80)
14:30 Towards highly scalable GW calculations (Dr. Mandal, Subhasish) (: AG80)
04:00 Tunneling rectification through macroscopic rings of nano barriers (Prof. Kim, Dai-Sik) (: AG80)
16:00 Study of different physical properties of some quasi-one-dimensional spin chain compounds (Dr. Nandi, Moumita) (: AG69)