Theoretical Physics Colloquium

Proposing a principle for finetuning

by Prof. Holger Nielsen (Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( A-304 )
In physics we have a few cases of parameters which take on values that are a priori unexpected. A most famous case is the cosmological constant - sometimes referred to as the dark energy or the energy density of vacuum. It is now measured to be positive and non zero making up about 3/4 of the total energy density, but it is exceedingly smaller than what one should expect using the most fundamental parameters and dimensional arguments.

We need to assume that coupling constants are to some extent at least finetuned. We then propose some ideas about making a principle that tells how the couplings are to be finetuned. Our proposal is to replace the finetuning assumption by the assumption that there are many vacuua having small cosmological constant. We claim that we have some success with this principle which we call the ``Multiple point principle'' (MPP). Our calculations are disputed, but if we are right we get the top quark Yukawa coupling to have the right value.

Out of our model comes a model for dark matter, within the Standard Model, as lemon size white dwarf like balls, one of which may have fallen in Tunguska. We thus expect Standard Model to work longer that most other theoreticians believe.
Organised by Dr. Vikram Tripathi