Wednesday Colloquia

Black holes

by Prof. Peter L. Biermann (MPIfR Bonn, University Bonn, KIT Karlsruhe, UA Tuscaloosa, UA Huntsville)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )
“Almost all galaxies have a super-massive black hole at their center, about 300,000 within 300 million light-years from us. Their masses range from a few million solar masses, all the way to a few billion solar masses.  How do they grow?  What is their effect on their environment?  When were they first born? What is their sky distribution?  What is their efficiency to produce gravitational waves?  What is the thermodynamics of black holes? The entropy of all super-massive black holes is now a known measure of the universe, which defies explanation.  I will describe some attempts to understand black holes”
Organised by Nitin Chaudhari