ASET Colloquium

Energy Efficiency - A TREELabs perspective

by Prof. Dipankar (Adjunct Faculty, IIT Bombay)

Friday, November 16, 2012 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG-66 )

Whereas the world is growing ever hungry for energy, how much do we really bother about not squandering this valuable resource? It is very disturbing to observe that most of our daily usage involves phenomenal energy wastage right up to the user-interface. Be it our lamps, fans, pumps, etc., almost every appliance appears to be very wasteful of energy. This talk hopes to make us aware of how "simple thinking" could change all this.

TREELabs is a movement that aspires to create the "Bell Labs" of the world through "Inventing the inventors" and also "Creating the Entrepreneurs", all within the framework of a Commons (a GNU/Linux like movement), i.e. "Sharing benefits all". One of the focus area of TREELabs has been energy, and this talk will also illustrate the kind of break-through technologies that are being developed at TREELabs.

About Prof. Dipankar :

Dipankar did is B.Tech from IIT Bombay in Electrical Engineering and Masters and Ph.D. from Rice University (USA) in Physics. On the experimental side, he worked on cutting edge technology areas such as Scanning Probe Microscopy, Fullerenes/Buckyballs (C60), Ultra-fast Femto-second Lasers etc. He had been among the pioneers in the field of scanning probe microscopy. On the theoretical side Dipankar solved a 100-year old but largely contemporary problem, that of solving Maxwell.s equations exactly, analytically. This work allows electromagnetic calculations to be done in minutes on a personal computer, which would normally take weeks to compute on supercomputers. Dipankar's work for more than a decade in India resulted in many significant inventions. A prominent set of inventions are in the area of energy-efficiency and have attracted keen attention from the pundits in the field.

Organised by Dr. Satyanarayana Bheesette