Wednesday Colloquia

Nanostructured metal-dielectrics and dielectrics

by Prof. Achanta Venu Gopal (Dept. of Condensed Matter Physics and Material Sciences, TIFR, Mumbai)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG - 66 (Lecture Theatre) )
	I will summarize our research activities of the past year involving modeling, fabrication and characterization of metal-dielectrics and dielectrics. Nanopatterned metal-dielectrics help optically excite surface plasmons resulting in enhanced local field. Applications include manipulating optical properties of materials, spectroscopy, and imaging among others. Nanostructured dielectrics, on the other hand, could be useful for futuristic planar integrated circuits for information processing. Some of our results that could be of general interest are plasmonic quasi-crystals for broadband, polarization independent and omni-directional enhanced transmission and second harmonic generation;broadband (500nm to 2500nm), omni-directional anti-reflection coatings based on reflectionless potential in refractive index;and quantum dot spin to photon converter for planar integrated circuits. Other results include visible absorbing TiO2 thin films;plasmonic crystals for novel magneto-optica l effect and for sub-THz control of plasmons; and unified theory for shifts in reflected optical beams that is of interest for spin Hall effect of light.


	Prof. A. V. Gopal completed his PhD from the Solid State Electronics Group at TIFR. He also holds a doctoral degree from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Tokyo University. He was a Fellow at the FESTA labs, Tsukuba, Japan and at the Quantum Information Technology Group, NEC Corporation, Tsukuba, Japan. He joined TIFR-Mumbai as Faculty in 2004.
Organised by Prof. Roop Mallik, Colloquium Co-ordinator