Theoretical Physics Colloquium

TCP Invariance in Quantum Field Theory

by Prof. E.C.G. Sudarshan (The University of Texas at Austin)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG69 )
Description A general dynamical principle is the complete variation of the relativistic quantum theory of Action integral. It unifies the classical dynamical principle with the quantum input of the variation of the phase in the form
δ ⟨σif⟩ = i ⟨σi|W|σf
and encompasses end point variations also. The presence of the imaginary unit demands that for time inversion we should use the conjugate algebra, a process often referred to as charge conjugation C. The natural inclusion of C along with the weak time reversal T ties these operations together; when we include the space inversion P we could get to a connected element of the complex Lorentz group. Thus the complex Lorentz invariance automatically includes TC . This incidentally justifies the use of finite dimensional nonunitary representations of the Lorentz group to formulate the theory. The possible extension of quantum field theory to include unstable states as well as bound states is automatic.