DCMPMS Seminars

Low-dimensional Spin ½ Frustrated Systems

by Dr. Arvind Yogi (Post-doctoral Fellow, IISER, Thiruvananthapuram)

Tuesday, August 5, 2014 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at Colaba Campus ( AG80 )
We study the crystallographic, magnetic and thermal properties of polycrystalline Cu and V based low-dimensional spin ½ frustrated systems, were investigated by x-ray diffraction, magnetization (M), magnetic susceptibility(c), and heat capacity (Cp).We studied Cu4P2O9, CuP2O6 andZn2VO(PO4)2. As a result of Cu based low-dimensional spin ½ frustrated systems,Cu4P2O9 is highly frustrated compound with frustration ratio (a) CuP2O6is an interesting compound to study the role of quantum fluctuations due to competing 1D and 2D magnetism. Further as a result of V based low-dimensional spin ½ frustrated systems, we studied Zn2VO(PO4)2, which is frustrated square lattice compound with highly frustrated through diagonal of square lattice. At high temperatures c(T ) follows a Curie–Weiss law with the effective moment expected for a V4+, S = 1/2 ion