DCMPMS Seminars

Metamagnetism and Nonlinear Magnetic Susceptibility

by Prof. Pradeep Kumar (Chair, Physics Department, University of Florida, USA)

Monday, November 16, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG80
Metamagnetism is a quantum transition at zero temperature where the magnetic response, at a critical magnetic field, precipitously rises.    The critical field correlates with the more common magnetic energy scales in the system.  In transition metal compounds this is the anisotropy energy.  In rare earth compounds, it may be the Kondo resonance energy.  Most recently, Shivaram has put forward the relationship between the nonlinear magnetic susceptibility, typically a low field property and the critical field, a high field feature, in Metamagnetism.   Using a singe energy scale model, we describe a comprehensive narrative that links together thermodynamics, nonlinear response, features of molecular magnetism and field dependent longitudinal sound velocity.

Work done in collaboration with B. S. Shivaram, University of Virginia.