Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

Ready-to-use GW templates for coalescing compact binaries in eccentric orbits

by Dr. Maria Haney (DAA - TIFR)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at DAA ( A269 )
Coalescing compact binaries with residual orbital  eccentricities
are plausible gravitational wave (GW) sources for the currently
operational Advanced LIGO observatories.
I present on-going efforts to construct temporally
evolving GW polarization states for such binaries.
These post-Newtonian accurate,
ready-to-use GW templates, both in the time and
frequency domains, are being
implemented into the data analysis software of
the LIGO Science Collaboration.
They complement the existing general relativity based
software for analysing GWs from quasi-circular
binary coalescence.
I will briefly discuss the usefulness of our templates
for constraining any residual eccentricities
in eventual future detections of inspiral GWs.