Astronomy and Astrophysics Seminars

All sky searches for gravitational waves from rotating neutron stars in LIGO and Virgo data

by Prof. Andrzej Królak (IMPAN (The Institute of Mathematics,) POLAND)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at TIFR ( AG66 )
Currently a world-wide network of large scale gravitational wave detectors is
under operation. Direct detection of gravitational radiation will constitute an
ultimate test of Einstein's theory of general relativity and perhaps provide
clues for a new physics needed to explain space-time singularities predicted
by Einstein's theory. Observations of gravitational waves will open a new
astronomy - gravitational wave astronomy.

As gravitational wave signals are rare and deeply buried in the noise
of the detector
their detection will require extraordinary large computing resources
and very efficient
data analysis algorithms. The lecture will discuss these problems.