Theoretical Physics Colloquium

Aspects of warped extra-dimensional models

by Abhishek Iyer (TIFR)

Tuesday, January 12, 2016 from to (Asia/Kolkata)
at AG 69
Randall-Sundrum (RS) models were originally proposed to explain the hierarchy between the Planck and electroweak scale. It was soon realised that modifications of the original setup have several interesting features.In particular it imbues a rich flavour structure to the fermionic sector thereby offering an understanding of the Yukawa hierarchy problem. However, this basic version with Standard Model in the bulk, is in conflict with various precision electroweak and low energy flavour data. While discussing extensions of the model which address these issues, we will review their status in the light of the Higgs discovery. Further we consider a radical solution, called GUT RS model, where the RS geometry can work as theory of flavour in the absence of flavour symmetries. In this case the low energy brane corresponds to the GUT scale as a result of which RS is no longer solution to the gauge hierarchy problem. The Kaluza Klein (KK) modes in this setup are naturally heavy due to which the low energy constraints can be easily avoided. We use this framework to discuss the supersymmetric version of the RS model and provide a framework where one can predict most of the supersymmtery breaking parameters and the R-parity violating terms. Finally we discuss collider searches for the KK excitation of the gluon in RS models and show promising sensitivity for fairly heavy masses in the current and future runs of the LHC.